AN ACT to repeal Chapter 398 of the Acts of 1902 of the
General Assembly of Maryland, title, "Attorney", sub-title,
"State's Attorney," so far as the same applies to Allegany
County, and to re-enact the same with amendments thereto
increasing the salary of the State's Attorney for Allegany
County, from and after January 1, 1920; and to add an ad-
ditional section thereto to be known as Section 5B, providing
for the maintenance of a Bureau of Identification.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Chapter 398 of the Acts of 1902 of the General As-
sembly of Maryland, title, "Attorney", sub-title, "State's At-
torney, '' so far as the same applies to Allegany County, be and
the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments
increasing the salary of the State's Attorney for Allegany
County from and after January 1, 1920, and that an addition-
al Section to be known as Section 5B, providing for the main-
tenance of a Bureau of Identification be and the same is hereby
added to said Chapter 398 of the Acts of 1902, so as to read as
SEC. 5A. That on and after the expiration of the present
term of office of the State's Attorney for Allegany County in
lieu of the fees now p'aid for the discharge of the duties of his
office, there shall be paid to him by the County Commissioners
of the said County a yearly salary of Three Thousand
Dollars, payable quarterly by a warrant on the Treasurer and
it shall be unlawful for him to receive, or the said County Com-
missioners to pay him any other or further compensation, sal-
ary, fee or recompense of any kind whatsoever. It shall be the
duty of the Sheriff to collect and pay over to the County quart-
erly, any appearance or other fee taxed as a part of the cost
payable to the State's Attorney in any criminal case.
SEC. 5B. From and after the time of the passage of this Act
it shall be the duty of the State's Attorney for Allegany County
to maintain a Bureau of Identification and he shall employ a
competent man at a salary of One Hundred Dollars a month to
conduct the work of this Bureau. The County Commissioners
of Allegany County shall pay direct the necessary expenses for
the maintenance of this Bureau, not to exceed One Hundred
and Fifty Dollars a month as follows: Expert's salary One
Hundred Dollars a month, rent, not in excess of Twenty Dol-
lars a month, printing, stationery, telephone, stamps and any