20 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title '' Somer-
set County", sub-title "County Commissioners" to follow sec-
tion 53 of said Article so as to make a uniform drainage law
for Somerset County.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That whenever the owner
or owners of any swamp or low grounds shall deem it fit to
have them drained, if the owners of said lands cannot agree,
or should any be married women, infants, non compos mentis,
or non residents of the county where swamp or low lands are
situated, they or any of them may petition the County Commis-
sioners, sitting in the county where such swamp or low lands
or any part thereof are situated, for the appointment of com-
missioners to locate or lay out a ditch or ditches for the pur-
pose; and who shall thereupon appoint a board of three or
more commissioners to be composed of judicious and impartial
freeholders, to be taken from the neighborhood or vicinity of
said swamp or low lands.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners
so appointed being first duly sworn to execute their duties
faithfully and impartially, shall call to their assistance a skill-
ful surveyor, sworn in like manner, and shall go, upon and view
the swamps or low grounds mentioned in the petition, and lay
out, by specified courses and distances, breadths and depths,
such ditch or ditches as shall be sufficient to drain the said
swamp or low grounds.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That they shall estimate
the probable costs or expenses, including damages, if any, of
cutting such ditch or ditches, and the sum or proportion thereof
which each owner or possessor, or person benefited, shall be
bound to pay.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That they shall make out
and return to the County Commissioners, at their next meeting
thereafter to which it may be practicable, a report in writing,
under their hands, with a plat or map attached, containing a
description by general delineation, without survey, of the boun-
dary lines of the swamp or low ground mentioned in the peti-
tion, and also a delineation of each owner's or possessor's lot or
parcel, with the estimated quantity of acres the same contain,
with the name of every person to whom they may award
damages, and the amount thereof, and the sum or amount each
owner or possessor, or person benefited, shall be bound to pay