AN ACT to provide for the punishment by fine or imprison-
ment of any person who shall be found trespassing upon the
public grounds adjacent to the Court House in the town of
Centreville, Queen Annes County, Maryland, known as the
Court House Square.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That any person who shall, without the consent of the
County Commissioners for Queen Annes County, enter upon, or
walk, run, ride, or drive upon the unpaved public grounds ad-
jacent to the Court House in the town of Centreville, Queen
Annes County, Maryland, known as the Court House Square,
or who shall in any manner mutilate, cut or destroy any flowers,
shrubbery or tree within and upon said Court House Square,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction
thereof before a Justice of the Peace of said Queen Annes
County shall be fined not exceeding the sum of twenty-five dol-
lars for each offence, together with the costs of prosecution, and,
in the discretion of the said Justice, may be committed to the
County Jail for Queen Annes County until said fine and costs
are paid.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the first day of June in the year Nineteen Hundred
and Eighteen.
Approved April 10th, 1918.
AN ACT to provide additional money for the public school
teachers' salaries in Prince George's County as an Emergency
Act and to authorize and direct the County Commissioners of
said County to borrow money for such purpose and to levy
taxes for the money so borrowed upon the taxable property
in Prince George's County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Board of County Commissioners of Prince
George's County in said State, be, and are hereby authorized
and directed to borrow on the credit of said county, in the most
advantageous way to be determined by said Board, the sum of
Twenty Thousand dollars ($20, 000. 00) for a period not ex-