the water system in said town, and to include the amount to be
expended in acquiring title to land and rights of way needed
for such improvement and extension, whether such land and
rights of way be within or without the State of Maryland, and
to include also a plan for the purchase of stock in any water
company formed under the laws of this State or of any other
State in the United States which shall have for its object the
furnishing and supplying of water to the Town of Brunswick,
and the Mayor and Council are hereby authorized to submit
said plan to the duly qualified voters of the Town of Bruns-
wick at any general election or at any special election or elec-
tions which they are hereby authorized to call for all or any
of the purposes aforesaid, which said special election or elec-
tions shall be held at such times and places and in such mar. ner
as said Mayor and Council shall by ordinance or ordinances
provide, but no such bonds shall be issued and sold unless the
duly qualified voters of the Town of Brunswick at any such
election shall, by a majority of the votes duly cast, declare
their assent to the issuance and sale of the bonds therein men-
tioned, or any of them, and the purpose to which the money
derived from the sale of any such bonds shall be applied, pro-
vided always that the aggregate of the bonds to be issued under
this Act shall not exceed one hundred and twenty-five thou-
sand dollars ($125, 000).
Section 3. Be it enacted, That the Mayor and Council of
Brunswick, Frederick County, Maryland, upon the approval
by a majority of the votes duly cast by the qualified voters of
the Town of Brunswick at such general or special election or
elections, for the issuance of bonds for the purposes mentioned
in this Act, are hereby authorized and empowered to do all
things necessary for the issuance of any such bonds and their
sale under the most advantageous conditions, and they are au-
thorized and required to levy the necessary taxes upon the tax-
able property of the corporation to provide for the payment of
the interest on such bonds, and to create a sinking fund for their
payment upon maturity, and they are authorized to do all other
things in connection with the issuance, sale and payment of
the bonds at maturity and interest thereon, as it shall accrue,
and for the carrying on the work and purchasing the land and
rights of way, and purchasing stock in any water company
formed under the laws of this State or of any other State in
the United States which shall have for its object the furnishing
and supplying of water to the Town of Brunswick, as provided