AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Chapter 50
of the Acts of 1916, entitled "An Act to authorize the
Mayor and Council of Brunswick, Frederick County, Mary-
land, to issue and sell bonds to an amount of money not
exceeding seventy-five thousand dollars ($75, 000), for the
purpose of providing payment for such permanent improve-
ments to the water system of said town as may be found
necessary or desirable, and for the purpose of building reser-
voirs, acquiring title to land in Washington and Frederick
Counties, Maryland, and making such improvements and
extensions to its water system as it may think proper, pro-
vided that such improvements, extensions and acquisition
of land and the approximate amount to be expended therefor
shall receive the assent of the qualified voters of the Town
of Brunswick before such bonds are issued and sold"; such
amendments authorizing the Mayor and Council of Bruns-
wick to issue and sell bonds to an amount not exceeding one
hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($125, 000), upon
receiving the assent of the qualified voters of said city, and
providing for the purchase of stock in water companies
which have for their object the supplying of said city with
water, and authorizing said Mayor and Council to acquire
land and rights within or without the State for such pur-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Chapter 50 of the Acts of 1916 be and the same is
hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments so as to read
as follows:
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Mayor and Council of Brunswick, Frederick
County, Maryland, are hereby authorized and empowered to
issue and sell bonds to an amount of money not exceeding
one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($125, 000) for
the purposes and under the conditions set forth in this Act,
Section 2. Be it enacted, That the Mayor and Council of
Brunswick, Frederick County, Maryland, are hereby authorized
to prepare an ordinance or ordinances setting out the purpose
or purposes to which the proceeds from the sale of bonds pro-
vided for under the terms of this Act shall be devoted, said
ordinance or ordinances to specify the approximate cost of
a proposed plan for the improvement, repair and extension of