of the fourth volume of Bagby's Annotated Code of Mary-
land, for the purpose of exchange for the codes, supplements
to codes, or other session laws of the several States.
Approved April 10th, 1918.
NO. 15.
JOINT RESOLUTION requesting the Senators and Repre-
sentatives in the Congress of the United States from the
State' of Maryland to use all honorable means to secure the
passage of appropriate federal legislation for the taking over
by the Federal Government of the Old Susquehanna and
Tidewater Canal from Havre de Grace, Maryland, to the
Mason and Dixon Line, for the transportation of freight and
particularly of coal.
WHEREAS, the Susquehanna and Tidewater Canal from
Havre de Grace, Maryland, to the Mason and Dixon Line ex-
tends into the coal fields of Pennsylvania; and
WHEREAS, more than one hundred years ago, the State of
Maryland spent more than one million dollars on the building
of this waterway, which could be rehabilitated and used for the
transportation of freight and particularly of coal; and
WHEREAS, because of the freight congestion on all railways,
due to the transportation of war material and equipment,
there is great need for an adequate carrier of coal from the
coal fields to the State of Maryland; and
WHEREAS, everything possible should be done to relieve the
railways of transportation which can be carried by water; and
WHEREAS, it is believed that the Old Susquehanna and Tide-
water Canal could be rehabilitated at a comparatively slight
expense in comparison with the benefits to be derived there-
from ; therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Senators and Representatives of the Congress of the United
States from the State of Maryland be and they are hereby re-
quested to use all honorable means to have the said Susque-
hanna and Tidewater Canal taken over, rehabilitated and oper-