for its object the employment of prison labor for the produc-
tion of War supplies, enacted into law immediately as a war
Resolved, further, That the Secretary of the Senate is di-
rected to send a copy of this Resolution, properjy certified, to
the two United States Senators from the State of Maryland;
and the Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates is ordered to
forward a copy of this Resolution, properly certified, to each
of ,the six members of Congress in the House of Representa-
tives from the State of Maryland.
Approved April 10th, 1918.
NO. 14.
JOINT RESOLUTION of the General Assembly of Mary-
land requesting and directing the State Librarian to furnish
the Department of Legislative Reference copies of the fourth
volume of Bagby's Annotated Code of Maryland.
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Department of Legislative
Reference to keep its collection of the codes and laws of other
States up to date,' if it is to be of the greatest service to the
members of the General Assembly and to the State officials;
WHEREAS, the department has very limited funds with which
to buy books and other equipment; and
WHEREAS, the Budget Bill contains an appropriation for
the purchase of four hundred (400) volumes of the fourth
volume of Bagby's Annotated Code of Maryland ; and
WHEREAS, all of these copies will not be needed for distri-
bution to the several State departments and officials; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Legislative Reference could
use copies of this volume for exchange with other States for
supplements to their codes or the later session laws; therefore,
be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
State Librarian be and is hereby requested and directed to
place at the disposal of the Executive of the Department of
Legislative Reference, not exceeding forty-seven (47) copies