damaged and arrange for an equitable adjustment of the ex-
penses of the same between the General Government and the
State of Maryland.
Approved April 10th, 1918.
NO. 12.
PROVIDING for the appointment of a Joint Committee of
four on the part of the Senate and five on the part of the
House of Delegates to confer with the War and Navy De-
partments of the United States Government as to the beet
method of securing the necessary agricultural laborers for
the farms of Maryland.
WHEREAS, the great demand for laborers by the War and
Navy Departments of the United States Government, together
with the great number of laborers who have heretofore worked
upon the farms, who are now working in munition, shipbuild-
ing and other industrial factories, together with the young men
drafted from the farms, has so deprived the farmers of this
State of the necessary laborers on their farms as to make it
almost impossible for our farms to produce their usual crops,
to say nothing of an increased production so earnestly desired
by all of our people; therefore,
Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of
Maryland, That the presiding officers o£ the Senate and the
House of Delegates are hereby requested, immediately upon
the passage of these Joint Resolutions, to name a Joint Com-
mittee of Nine, four on the part of the Senate and five on the
part of the House of Delegates, to confer with the Heads of
the War and Navy Departments of the United States Govern-
ment for the purpose of considering the best method of secur-
ing the necessary labor for the Maryland farms.
And be it further Resolved, That the power of this Joint
Committee shall not cease upon the adjournment of the present
Session of the General Assembly, but shall continue until such
time as the members of said Committee shall deem necessary
to complete its work.
Approved April 10th, 1918.