home, thereby defeating, in a large degree, the purpose of the
State to abate the disease; and
WHEREAS by the census of 1910 there were 232,250 Negroes
in the State; therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Delegates of Maryland;
That the Governor of the State is hereby requested and em-
powered to appoint a commission of 5 competent men, 2 of
whom shall be members of the State Board of Health, to in-
vestigate the disease of tuberculosis among the Negro popu-
lation, whose duty it shall be to consider the advisability of
creating either a sanitorium, or of instituting such definite
provisions as shall result in the control of the disease among
the Negro race. It shall be the duty of said commission to
investigate the cost of the same and plans therefor; and to
report the same to the next Governor of the State of Maryland,
together with any other recommendations they may deem
proper, within such time as shall enable him to embody the
same in recommendation to the General Assembly.
The said commission shall serve without pay, except reason-
able traveling expenses.
Appioved April 10th, 1918.
NO. 11.
Providing for a conference between the Board of Public Works
and the Federal Government with respect to damage done to
State Roads.
WHEREAS, by extensive use of our State Roads of Maryland
by the Federal Government for transportation of their sup-
plies, etc., by the use of Heavy Motor Trucks during the past
winter months in conjunction with the general traffic of our
citizens in the State, our State Roads are in a bad condition.
Be it Resolved, That a Committee consisting of his Excel-
lency Governor Emerson C. Harrington, Comptroller Hugh A.
McMullen and State Treasurer William P. Jackson, represent-
ing the Board of Public Works on the part of the State of
Maryland, to meet a Committee representing the Federal Gov
eminent, to consider the damage being done to our roads with
a view of repairing and re-building the roads that have been