SEC. 4. And be it further enacted. That the said Commis-
sioners of Montgomery County shall cause to be levied upon
and collected from the taxable property of said County an
additional tax annually sufficient to pay the said bonds and
interest as the said bonds, interest and coupons may severally
mature. The said taxes shall be collected as other taxes levied
in said County are collected, and when collected, shall be
applied as hereinbefore provided to the payment of said bonds
as they severally mature, and the interest thereon semi-annu-
ally, which said bonds and coupons when issued shall be non-
convertible for any cause whatever, and the said bonds and
coupons when so redeemed, either before or at maturity shall
be cancelled, and it shall be the duty of the County Commis-
sioners of Montgomery County to immediately cancel the same.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said County
Commissioners of Montgomery County be and. they are hereby
directed and empowered to apply the proceeds of the bond issue
herein authorized to the payment for the rebuilding and im-
provement of the public highway through the Town of Rock-
ville as hereinbefore directed, using such material as the said
County Commissioners may determine upon after consulta-
tion with the State Road Commissioner of the State of Mary-
land, the plans and specifications thereof to be prepared by the
proper officer or officers of the said County under and by the
direction of the State Road Commission.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of
this Act shall be null and void and the said County Commis-
sioners shall not issue the bonds or levy the taxes hereinbefore
provided for, unless the State Road Commission shall appro-
priate out of funds coming into its hands and applicable to the
rebuilding of highways within this State, an additional sum
of ten thousand dollars to be applied to the rebuilding of the
highway through the Town of Rockville, as hereinbefore speci-
fied, or if the State Roads Commission of Maryland, after
application by the County Commissioners of Montgomery
County, which they are hereby directed to do, shall provide
funds for said purpose, as hereinbefore specified, not to exceed
Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000), which said State Roads
Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to do for said
purpose, said funds to be in excess of any fund heretofore set
aside by it for said purpose, from the State Road Loan of 1918,
charging the same against the allotment of Montgomery Coun-