tee of the Maryland Council of Defense, by and with the sanc-
tion and approval of the Governor, may, from time to time,
determine as aforesaid. For the purposes of this Act, the said
Executive Committee of the Maryland Council of Defense shall
consist of its regularly authorized membership of five mem-
bers, together with the Comptroller of the Treasury and the
State Treasurer. The said loan, and every part thereof, and
the interest payable thereon, shall be and remain exempt from
State, County and Municipal taxation.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Governor, the
Comptroller of the Treasury and the Treasurer of the State,
or a majority of them, are authorized and directed to have
prepared proper certificates of indebtedness, in good and suffi-
cient form as evidence of such loan. Each of said certificates
shall be signed by the Treasurer of the State and countersigned
by the Comptroller of the Treasury. Such certificates shall
bear date as of the time or times of their issue. They shall
not be issued in less sums than one hundred dollars, but may
be issued in sums of one hundred dollars, or any multiple
thereof, and any portion or all of said certificates may be reg-
istered, or not registered, and the said certificates, or any por-
tion thereof, shall have interest coupons attached, or said cer-
tificates, or any portion thereof, shall not have interest cou-
pons attached, all as the Executive Committee of the Mary-
land Council of Defense, by and with the sanction and ap-
proval of the Governor, shall, from time to time, determine.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That in order to pro-
vide for the selling of the certificates of indebtedness aforesaid,
or any of them, to be issued under the provisions of this Act,
the Governor, Comptroller of the Treasury and the Treasurer
of this State, or a majority of them, are hereby directed to ad-
vertise twice a week for two successive weeks before the said
certificates of indebtedness, or any part thereof, shall be issued,
in two newspapers published in the City of Baltimore, that
the Treasurer of this State will be in readiness, at any time
within five days after the expiration of said notice, to re-
ceive bids at such place or places as may be named in said
respective advertisements for certificates of indebtedness issued
under the provisions of this Act, under such regulations as