of the General Assembly of Maryland, title ''Inspection,"
sub-title "Tobacco," and to re-enact the same with amend-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 9, 11 and 32 of Article 48, as the
same are numbered and set forth in the Annotated Code of
Maryland, as amended by Chapter 309 of the Acts of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland of 1916, title "Inspection," sub-
title "Tobacco," be and the same are hereby repealed and re-
enacted with amendments, so as to read as follows:
9. The State Board of Agriculture shall appoint one in-
spector of tobacco, who shall be a tobacco grower and resident
of one of the tobacco growing Counties of this State. Under
the direction of said Board he shall have charge of all State
Tobacco Warehouses and other property connected therewith
in the City of Baltimore, and said Board may remove said
inspector at its pleasure.
11. The inspector of tobacco, with the approval of the said
Board of Agriculture, shall have power to appoint one chief
clerk; one assistant to the chief clerk, two assistant clerks;
two samplers of tobacco; one receiving clerk, one shipping
clerk, one weighing clerk and one distributing clerk; two
sample tyers, one janitor, one finder, one elevator and stay-
floor man, ten screwmen, and four laborers. The inspector
may also in his discretion or at the direction of the said State
Board of Agriculture employ such additional help (clerical
and manual) as may be necessary for the efficient and eco-
nomical management of the warehouses, and he shall keep in
his office a current public record of such additional help em-
ployed by him, the duties to be discharged and the pay to be
received by the same; and he may assign any appointee or
any employee to any work deemed by him necessary for the
business of the tobacco warehouses; or for the promotion of
the tobacco growing industry of the State; and he shall (as
far as possible) equitably apportion the patronage at his dis-
posal among the inhabitants of the tobacco growing Counties
of the State. The salary of the inspector of tobacco and the
salaries and wages of all persons employed by him, with the