laws of this State relating to crimes or misdemeanors, par-
ticularly those in regard to disorderly or bawdy houses; and
providing funds for the carrying into effect of the pro-
visions of this Act.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in the event that the Government of the United
States, through any proper Department, agency or official
thereof, determines to establish a military camp at any place
within the State of Maryland, then the Governor, the Comp-
troller and the Treasurer, constituting the Board of Public
Works of this State, be and they are hereby authorized and
empowered to clear, grub and remove, or cause to be cleared,
grubbed and removed, from the area of the site selected for
such camp, or for other military purposes connected therewith
or from so much thereof as may be necessary, all trees, stumps,
undergrowth, underbrush or other obstructions or obstacles of
any kind.
The said work may be done by contract, awarded in such
manner as the Board may deem proper, or in any other man-
ner that the Board deems most desirable, and the said Board
may require bond for the faithful and punctual performance
of such work, in such amount and with such security as may be
satisfactory to the said Board.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Board of
Public Works be and they hereby are authorized and empow-
ered, in the name of the State of Maryland, to acquire by gift,
devise, bequest, purchase, lease or in any other way, or by con-
demnation in accordance with the provisions of Article 33A
of the Annotated Code of Maryland, and any amendments
thereto, any lands or other property, real or personal, or the
use thereof, or any right, title, interest or estate therein, to-
gether with any improvements thereon, which may be neces-
sary or desirable for the site of any such camp, or for the pur-
poses thereof or connected therewith; and after such acqui-
sition, the said Board may permit the Government of the United
States to use and occupy the said lands or property, or inter-
est or estate therein, so acquired, during the present war, and
for one year thereafter, without any charge or rental to the