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Session Laws, 1917 Session
Volume 484, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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ence of a deputy commander of the State Fishery Force,
whose duty it shall be to see that such seed oysters are trans-
planted in a proper manner and upon the designated areas.
The deputy commander shall thereupon issue a certificate to
the person so transplanting seed oysters, which shall state as
accurately as possible the number of bushels transplanted, and
shall be serially numbered and substantially in the form fol-

.......................... 19....

I hereby certify that Captain........................

of the vessel............................... has this day

transplanted upon reserved area located at................

a cargo of seed oysters estimated to contain...............


Deputy Commander.

A duplicate of each certificate so issued shall be forwarded
by the deputy commander to the Comptroller of the State
Treasury. The expense of catching, removing and transplant-
ing such seed oysters as herein authorized shall be borne by the
person to whom such permit and certificate shall have been
issued, provided, however, that such expense, to be determined
by the Commission but not to exceed ten cents per bushel, shall
be reimbursed to him, or his assigns, by the Comptroller, upon
the preservation and surrender of his certificate, out of the
"Conservation, Fund, " provided for by Section 135. The com-
mander may act for any deputy commander in the perform-
ance of the duties above mentioned.

134. From and after the date designated by the Commis-
sion for re-opening of such reserved areas, until the closing of
the dredging season then current, oysters shall be caught upon
such reserved areas only by dredgers, scrapers or tongers of
the State holding licenses for the current season, in the man-
ner now prescribed by law, and subject also to the following
special conditions and restrictions, viz:

(1) Oysters caught upon reserved areas shall be subject
to a special charge or tax to be fixed by the Commission and
to be announced in the advertisement re-opening such area or
areas, said charge or tax to be not less than five cents per


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Session Laws, 1917 Session
Volume 484, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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