beds, bars and rocks of the Chesapeake Bay in dredger's area
to be replenished by transplanting of small oysters, shells or
other cultch, or in other feasible manner which the Commission
may deem best. The Commission shall give notice of said
reservation by advertisement to be inserted once a week for
three successive weeks, in a newspaper published in Balti-
more City, and in the County where the reserved area is lo-
cated, which advertisement shall describe the area reserved
and give the date on which the reservation takes effect, and
shall warn all persons not to catch or disturb oysters upon such
reserved area until further notice from the Commission re-
opening same for public use. Whenever in the discretion of
the Commission such reserved area shall have been replenished,
but in no event later than three years after the beginning of
such reservation it shall fix a date for reopening same to the
public, and shall give notice thereof by proper advertisement
inserted as above provided. Any 'person -who shall catch or
disturb any oysters upon such reserved areas between the date
such reservation begins and the date fixed by the Commission
for re-opening same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned for not less than
three months, nor more than one year, in the discretion of the
133. Any resident of the State eligible to hold a dredger's
or scraper's license may make application to the Conservation
Commission at its office in Baltimore for a permit to catch and
remove seed oysters, at any time between March 15th and May
15th, or between September 15th and November 1st, in each
year, from any bottoms not leased of the Chesapeake Bay or
tributaries in dredger's territory where an abundance of small
oysters may occur which in the opinion of the Commission
would secure better results by being transplanted. The Com-
mission may issue such permit, and shall describe therein the
particular portion of said bottoms from which seed oysters are
to be taken, and shall fix the manner and the time for catching
same. The person holding such permit shall transport all seed
oysters caught by him directly to such reserved areas within
the limits prescribed in Section 132, as may be designated
by the Commission, and there transplant same in the pres-