SEC. 7. And be it further enacted. That all prisoners work-
ing upon the roads or streets under this Act, shall be entitled
to the same deductions or allowances for good behavior, observ-
ance of discipline and rules and for diligent and faithful
labor, and shall be subject to the same forfeitures or punish-
ments for the lack or violation thereof, as such prisoners are
now entitled to or are subject to under the laws of this State;
and in addition to such forfeitures or punishments, any prison-
er employed on road work under this Act who escapes or at-
tempts to escape, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall
be confined for an additional term, in the discretion of the
Court, not exceeding one-half of the entire term for which such
prisoner had been sentenced prior to his escape or attempted
escape; or such prisoner shall, in the discretion of the Court,
be subject to any penalties which may be by law provided for
prisoners escaping or attempting to escape from the institution
to which he had previously been committed.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That all expenses and
disbursements incurred, under Section 5 hereof, by the State
Board of Prison Control, for the guarding, transportation,
lodging, feeding, clothing and medical and other care and at-
tention of prisoners working under this Act for the State
Roads Commission, shall be paid out of any moneys in the
Treasury available therefor and not otherwise appropriated, or
out of any moneys appropriated for such purpose; in the latter
event such payments to be made, from time to time, on the
order of the Executive Committee of the Maryland Council of
Defense, by and with the sanction and approval of the Gov-
ernor, such orders to be directed to the Comptroller, who shall
draw his warrant upon the Treasurer for the amount thereof,
as in law provided. The several counties, cities and towns
are, respectively, authorized and empowered to make any and
all appropriations, assessments and levies necessary to enable
them, respectively, to pay the expenses and per diem pay-
ments which this Act authorizes or directs them to pay, in
case Section 4 of this Act is availed of by them. The per
diem payments which are to be made by the State Roads Com-
mission, under Section 6 of this Act,, shall be paid out of that
Commission's appropriation.