upon the public roads or streets, then they may, in like man-
ner, certify to the Governor the number of male prisoners
confined in the jails under their respective jurisdictions who
are physically able to work upon said public roads of the
State, or of any county, city or town thereof, and who are
available for such work; provided, however, that in Frederick
City, the justice of the peace who tried and committed a
vagrant or other offender of a municipal law or ordinance is
hereby authorized and directed, whenever practicable, to make
an assignment of such person to employment on the county
roads or on the streets of the city, and the Sheriff or other
officer into whose custody said person has been committed is
hereby ordered to comply with any such order for assign-
ment, and the person ordered to work by the justice of the
peace is to be guarded, if he works upon the streets of the city,
by the Superintendent of Streets or by any other person depu-
tized by the Sheriff, and if he works upon the roads of the
county, then he shall be guarded by the Road Supervisor of
the district in which the said person works, and the Sheriff is
hereby authorized to deputize for this purpose any of the said
officials or other persons to take charge of the said persons
while so employed.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That upon receiving
such information the Governor is authorized, from time to
time, to assign such and as many of said prisoners to the State
Roads Commission as that Commission can profitably employ
in the construction, repair or maintenance of any of the public
roads and bridges under its jurisdiction, and it shall there-
upon be the duty of the State Roads Commission so to employ
such prisoners.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of any County and the governing body of any town
or city other than Baltimore City, may from time to time
request the Governor to furnish them, respectively, with such
number of prisoners as they can profitably employ in the con-
struction, repair or maintenance of any of the public roads,
streets or bridges under their respective jurisdictions; and
after the Governor has assigned the prisoners to the State
Roads Commission under Section 3 hereof, such of the total