AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners of Prince
George's county to borrow money on the credit of the county
for the purpose of making an addition to the courthouse,
and for providing for heating said building, to issue bonds
for the payment of the same, and to levy taxes on the
assessable property of the county to redeem said bonds and
pay the interest and to provide for the construction of said
addition and heating plant.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That an addition be made to the courthouse at Upper
Marlboro in accordance with plans submitted to and approved
by the County Commissioners of Prince George's county, and
that said courthouse, when so enlarged, shall be heated by
furnace, hot air, steam or water, whichever shall be adopted by
said Commissioners, and that for the purpose of making said
improvements John T. Traband, John Miller and R. Hugh
Berry, be and they are hereby appointed a Building Committee,
and in case of death or refusal to act of any one or more of
them, or of the Building Committee at any time constituted,
the County Commissioners of said county shall fill the vacancy
or vacancies. They shall serve without pay, two of them shall
form a quorum and the concurrence of two of them shall be
necessary in the decision of all questions which may arise in
the discharge of their duties.
SEC. 2. That said Building Committee shall invite sealed
proposals as speedily as possible for the construction of said
addition upon plans and specifications adopted or to be adopted
by said County Commissioners by publication in two news-
papers printed in Prince George's county for at least two
weeks, and such other publication as said Building Committee
may deem best, and said committee shall in like manner in-
vite proposals for the furnishing and installing heating appa-
ratus necessary for heating said courthouse when so enlarged;
proposals for the construction of said addition or for heating
the building, or for both, shall state the amount for which the
bidder proposes to do the work, and security shall be taken
by the Building Committee for the use of the County Commis-
sioners, and in their name from the party or parties contract-
ing as a security for the faithful performance of such contract
or contracts as may be entered into, and such contract or con-
tracts shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or
SEC. 3. That for the purpose of paying for said addition to
said courthouse and heating the same when completed, the