of any sub-division heretofore made and recorded, among the
said land records, and when such a plat shall be of land ac-
quired by more than one conveyance, the outlines of the land
acquired by the several conveyances shall be indicated by red
lines drawn upon said plat, and the surveyor's certificate shall
assign the various lots, blocks, etc., to the respective convey-
ances out of which the same shall have been taken, and shall
also testify that a monument stone of not less than six inches
diameter at the top has been planted, two feet in the ground
at each end of one of the principal lines of said plat, and that
the location of said stones are properly indicated on said plat;
provided, however, that nothing in this section shall prevent
the maker of any of said plats from placing the same on record
in sections of the size hereinbefore provided.
SEC. 85c. That before said plat shall be received of record,
the party desiring to record same shall file in the Circuit Court
for Prince George's county a petition setting forth under oath
the tract or tracts of which said sub-division is made up, to-
gether with reference to the deed or deeds conveying same to
him, that the land included in said plat or owned by said party
applying for same does not conflict with the established lines
of any other sub-division entered of record, and that the name
given same to the best of his knowledge is not synonymous and
does not conflict with the name of any other sub-division here-
tofore filed; and upon filing of such application, the clerk shall
cause a notice to be published in one of the newspapers pub-
lished in Prince George's county, setting forth that applica-
tion has been for the recording of a plat of said sub-division
giving the name, the election district in which same is located,
requiring cause to be shown within five days from the date of
giving such notice why such plat should not be recorded.
SEC. 85D. The maker of said plat or plats, when the same
shall be presented for record shall furnish the clerk of the Cir-
cuit Court for said county, two. copies of such plat or plats, one
of which shall be, by said clerk, placed in and attached to the
book hereinafter provided for, and other shall, by said clerk, be
attached to and made a part of the substance record; now by
law required to be kept, and shall transmit the same, with the
said substance record, to the Commissioners of the Land Office,
as now by law directed; and the said clerk shall receive for each
plat or section of a plat so filed with him the sum of two dol-
lars; the maker of said plat or plats at the same time shall
furnish to the County Surveyor of said county a copy of such
plat or plats, which shall be by said County Surveyor placed in
and attached to the plat book in this Act required by him to be