vided, the amount to be assessed to meet the principal of the
bonds to be paid from and assessed upon the Thirteenth Elec-
tion District not to exceed the sum of six thousand seven hun-
dred and fifty dollars ($6,750.00), and the amount to be assessed
to meet the principal of the bonds to be paid from and assessed
upon the Seventh Election District not to exceed the sum of
five thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars ($5,750.00) ; the
said levy upon the taxable property of each of said districts to
be in proportion to the amount to be expended in each of said
districts out of the bond issue here provided for; and the said
special tax or levy shall be a lien upon the taxable property of
each of the said election districts upon which it so levied, and
the said tax shall be collected in like manner as other taxes
levied in the said county are collected, and when collected
shall be applied, as hereinbefore provided, to the payment of
the said bonds as they severally mature and the interest thereon
semi-annually, which said bonds and coupons when issued
shall be non-contestable for any cause whatsoever, and the
said bonds and coupons so issued when redeemed whether be-
fore or at maturity shall be cancelled, and it shall be the duty
of the County Commissioners to immediately cancel the same.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said County
Commissioners be and they are hereby authorized and empow-
ered to apply the following amounts out of the proceeds of said
bonds issued and sold as aforesaid, or so much of said pro-
ceeds as may be necessary on or towards the payment for the
construction of the following roads of said districts as herein-
after specified to be constructed under the Act of the General
Assembly of Maryland of 1904, chapter 225, and any amend-
ments thereof known as the "Shoemaker Law," to wit: Four
thousand two hundred and fifty dollars ($4,250.00), or so much
thereof as may be necessary, on the road from Kensington to
Rock Creek, in said Thirteenth Election District, and four thou-
sand two hundred and fifty dollars ($4,250.00), or so much
thereof as may be necessary, on the road, a continuation of the
aforesaid road, from Rock Creek to- Chevy Chase Lake, in the
Seventh Election District; and fifteen hundred dollars
($1,500.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary, on one
mile of the Brookville road from the line of the District of
Columbia, running in a northerly direction; the said fifteen
hundred dollars ($1,500.00) to be an addition to the local sub-
scription for the construction of the said one mile; and the
said County Commissioners are further authorized and em-
powered to expend out of the proceeds of said bond issue the
sum of twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500.00), or so much
thereof as may be necessary, for the construction, or as a con-