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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 645   View pdf image (33K)
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ize, pave or otherwise surface and curb; re-grade, re-shell,
re-gravel, re-macadamize, re-pave or otherwise re-surface and re-
curb, according to such general and comprehensive plan or
plans in the premises as may be adopted by it, all such public
lanes, alleys, avenues, streets or highways, or all such parts
thereof in the city of Baltimore, as in the judgment of the said
commission should be so graded, shelled, graveled, macadam-
ized, paved or otherwise surfaced and curbed; re-graded, re-
shelled, re-graveled, re-macadamized, re-paved or otherwise re-
surfaced or re-curbed. And at the election of said commission
to assess the cost of any .such work, in whole or in part, upon
the property binding upon such public lanes, alleys, avenues,
streets or highways, according to' such mode of procedure as
shall be prescribed by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
by ordinance or ordinances, which ordinance or ordinances the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore is hereby empowered to
pass; provided, however, that reasonable notice and oppor-
tunity to be heard shall be required by the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore to be given, and shall be given by said
commission to all persons interested before the final ascertain-
ment of the amount of assessment to be paid by any such prop-
erty; and provided, however, further, that provision shall be
made by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore for the right
of appeal to the Baltimore City Court, including the .right of
appeal to the Court of Appeals, by any person or persons inter-
ested, including the city itself, from the decision of said com-
mission in determining the amount of assessment to be paid by
any such property; the assessment, as finally determined, shall
be payable at such times and in such proportions, and shall
bear such rate of interest as the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore shall by ordinance provide, and shall be liens from
the date of their final determination on the parcels of said
property upon which said assessment shall be respectively
assessed in the same way that other city taxes in the city of
Baltimore are now liens, and shall be collected and enforced
as other city taxes in the city of Baltimore are now collected
and enforced, or in such other manner as the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore shall prescribe. All money, when and as
derived from said assessments, and all interest thereon shall be
at once placed to the credit of the fund styled by this Act as
the New Paving Fund, and shall be available from time to time
to defray the cost of the works authorized by this Act, to the
same extent as the original proceeds derived from the sale of
stock authorized by this Act are available. The said commis-
sion shall be clothed with each and every and all powers which
may be necessary or proper for these purposes or either of


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 645   View pdf image (33K)
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