Boards of Health under the direction of any subject to the ap-
proval of the county health officer, for which services they shall
receive no further compensation. They shall have general
care of the sanitary interests of the residents of their respec-
tive districts, and shall make sanitary investigations and in-
quiries respecting the causes of disease, especially epidemics
and the causes of mortality; they shall inquire into and
investigate all nuisances affecting the health, comfort or
property of the citizens of their respective districts, and for this
purpose they are authorized to go upon any premises or into
any house in their respective districts. They shall furnish the
county health officer with a full report on all their investiga-
tions and findings in such matters, and shall take such steps
as the County Commissioners shall direct to abate any nuis-
ance injuriously affecting the public health of lives of the per-
sons making complaint, or unduly injuring the health or com-
fort, or damaging the property of the persons affected by the
aforesaid nuisance. In case of any epidemic or contagious
or infectious diseases within the county, the County Commis-
sioners or the county health officer may send one or all of said
sanitary officers to the locality where the said epidemic exists,
for which services they shall receive no ext-ra compensation.
The said sanitary officers shall serve as sub-registrars, and as
such shall perform the duties prescribed by the Public General
Laws without additional compensation; they shall also serve as
vaccine physicians for their respective districts, and it shall
be their duty to vaccinate free of charge any child whose guard-
ian or parents are too poor to pay for the service. It shall
further be the duty of said district health officers to examine
into the sanitary condition of all highways, alleys and .byways
in their respective district, and if the same are found in an un-
sanitary condition, to report such fact immediately to the
county health officer.
124. If any person shall knowingly obstruct or resist the
county health officer, or any of the district health officers of
Baltimore county, in the executions of the powers to them
given, or in the performance of the duties enjoined upon them
by law in relation to the public health, such person shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof,
shall be fined not less than twenty dollars, nor more than one
hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the discretion of the
court for not more than thirty days.
125. It shall be the duty of the police officers of Baltimore
county to execute all orders of any of the county health authori-
ties, so far as they relate to the sanitary condition of said