and upon any vacancy in the office of county health officer, his
successor shall be appointed by the local Board of Health as
soon as practicable; the county health officer shall hold office
for two years from the date of his appointment, but may be re-
moved by the State Board of Health for cause upon charges
made and considered at a regular .meeting of said board.
120. Such county health officer shall maintain at Towson an
office where shall be kept all the records and data pertaining to
his duties under this sub-title. He shall appoint a competent
clerk or assistant, and such office shall be kept open from 9
o'clock A. M. to 4 o'clock P. M. daily except Sunday. Such
county health officer shall give to his duties under this sub-title
so much of his time as may be necessary for the proper per-
formance of the same. He shall meet with and report to the
County Commissioners weekly, or at such other times as the
County Commissioners shall designate; and shall furnish to
said County Commissioners, at such time as they require, an
annual statement in detail of the receipts and disbursements of
his office. He shall receive a salary of one thousand dollars per
annum, payable monthly, out of which sum he shall pay his own
traveling expenses, and the County Commissioners shall, on his
' requisition, pay his reasonable office expenses, including the
salary of his clerk or assistant, to the extent of but not ex-
ceeding eight hundred dollars per annum.
121. It shall be the duty of said county health officer to give
to the State Board of Health, the local Board of Health for Bal-
timore county and such other health authorities as may prop-
erly demand the same, all of such professional advice and in-
formation as they may require with a view to the preservation
of the public health in Baltimore county; to inquire into the
health of the county and whenever he shall hear of the existence
of any malignant, contagious or pestilential- disease in the
county, to investigate such report, and ascertain, as correctly as
possible, the causes which "produced said disease, to adopt
measures to arrest its progress, and to report in writing to the
secretary of the State Board of Health every circumstance in
connection therewith; and also to perform such other duties ap-
pertaining to the health of the county as may from time to
time imposed upon him by the local Board of Health.
122. The local Board of Health, shall at the time of the ap-
pointment of the county health officer, as provided by section
119 of this sub-title, or as soon thereafter as possible, appoint
fifteen experienced physicians, residents of Baltimore county,
to serve as district health officers, viz: One such officer for the
First Election District of said county, with a salary of not less