SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Mayor, Counsellor
and Aldermen of the city of Annapolis is hereby authorized
and empowered to enact an ordinance or ordinances setting
out the purposes for which the money provided under this Act
shall be applied, and the approximate cost of each item of
expenditure, and to submit the same to the taxpayers of the
city of Annapolis at an election to be called for that purpose,
which said election shall in all particulars not herein provided
for be held under the supervision and direction of said Mayor,
Counsellor and Aldermen of the city of Annapolis, and this
Act shall not be effective unless a majority of the taxpayers of
the city of Annapolis shall, by their votes at such election,
declare their assent to the borrowing of said money and the
issuing of the bonds mentioned in said ordinance, and to the
purposes to which said money shall be applied.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That in the ordinance mentioned
in section 2 of this Act the said Mayor, Counsellor and Alder-
men of the city shall clearly set forth that the loan of $40, 000
authorized herein as aforesaid, shall be divided into two sepa-
rate items, to be voted on separately, one item, not to exceed
$10, 000, for the purpose of improving the City Hall of Annapo-
lis, and the other. item, not to exceed $30, 000, to be applied to
all other purposes of permanent improvements that may be
found necessary by said corporation; these two separate items
shall be so submitted to the taxpayers of Annapolis by said
corporation as to enable them to vote for either of said items,
or for both of them, so that the provisions of this Act may be
effective as to one or both of said items.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That the Mayor, Counsellor and
Aldermen of the city of Annapolis, in the event of the approval
of such ordinance by a majority of the taxpayers of the city of
Annapolis, is hereby authorized and empowered to do all things
necessary for the issuing of such bonds, their offering for sale
under the most advantageous terms and conditions, the pro-
viding for the sinking fund for the purpose of meeting the
interest on such bonds and their payment upon maturity, and
all other things that may be necessary and proper in the pro-
curing of the loan, the issuance and payment of bonds, and the
carrying on of the work provided under the ordinance herein-
before authorized.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the bonds herein
provided for shall bear interest at the rate of four per centum
per annum, and shall be forever exempt from all taxation for
county, municipal and school purposes, said bonds shall not,
however, be sold for less than their par value.