pay over any excess to the owner of the property thus sold. No
sale shall be set aside if the provisions of the law shall appear
to have been substantially complied with, and the burden of
proof shall be on the exceptant; and in all cases of the sale of
real estate under said section, the owner thereof prior to the
sale, may redeem the same at any time within a year and a day
by repayment to the purchaser thereof the amount paid by
him, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent, per
annum from the day of the sale.
SEC. 58D. All taxes so levied as aforesaid shall be collected
by the collector and treasurer within three years after the levy
thereof; and if the same be not collected within the said three
years, the parties from whom such taxes may be demanded may
plead this section in bar of any recovery thereof; and the said
collector and treasurer shall be liable for all such taxes if he
fails to enforce the payment thereof within the time herein
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6, 1908.
AN ACT to authorize the Mayor, Counsellor and Aldermen of
the city of Annapolis to borrow money and to issue bonds
for a sum not exceeding forty thousand dollars ($40, 000),
to be divided into two separate items not to exceed $30, 000
and $10, 000, respectively, for the purpose of providing pay-
ment for such permanent improvements as may be found nec-
essary; provided, that before said loan has been contracted
and such bonds issued such improvements and the approxi-
mate amount to be expended therefor shall receive the assent
of a majority of the voters of the taxpayers of the city of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Mayor, Counsellor and Aldermen of the city of
Annapolis, a municipal corporation, is hereby authorized and
empowered to borrow on the faith and credit of the said cor-
poration a sum of money not to exceed forty thousand dollars
($40, 000), to be divided into two separate items not to exceed
thirty thousand dollars and ten thousand dollars, respectively,
and to issue bonds therefor in addition to all other indebted-
ness of the said corporation under the conditions hereinafter
set forth.