To pay the president of the Senate a per diem of eight dol-
lars, for the per diem of twenty-six Senators at five dollars
each, for the per diem of one secretary at ten dollars, for the
per diem of one reading clerk at ten dollars, for the per diem of
one journal clerk at ten dollars, for the per diem of one chief
engrossing clerk at seven dollars, for the per diem of one ser-
geant-at-arms at five dollars, and for the per diem of the speaker
of the House of Delegates at eight dollars, for the per diem of
one hundred members at five dollars each, for the per diem of
one chief clerk at ten dollars, for the per diem of one journal
clerk at ten dollars, for the per diem of one reading clerk at ten
dollars, for the per diem of one chief engrossing clerk at seven
dollars, for the per diem of one chief clerk to the Committee on
Claims at seven dollars, for the per diem of one sergeant-at-arms
at five dollars, and for the per diem of doorkeepers, assistant
doorkeepers, postmasters, assistant postmasters, keepers of the
cloak rooms, janitors, folders, committee clerks, engrossing
clerks, pages, chaplains, stenographers and clerks, for the
House and Senate, at the per diem of five dollars each, to-
gether with mileage for the members and officers, postage, sta-
tionery and miscellaneous expenses, and for the above expenses
of the Legislature, the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby ap-
propriated; for the printing of the General Assembly of 1910,
eighteen thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as
may be necessary; for binding the laws, journals and docu-
ments of said session of the General Assembly, three thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for indexing
the journals and documents of the Senate and House of Dele-
gates, six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary; for indexing the laws, three hundred and fifty dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary; to the secretary of the
Senate and chief clerk of the House of Delegates for copying
and arranging for publication the laws of said session, three
hundred dollars each, six hundred dollars; and for salaries
during the recess of the Legislature, three hundred dollars each,
six hundred dollars; to the clerk of the Court of Appeals, for
recording the laws of the General Assembly of 1910, four hun-
dred and fifty dollars.
For the payment of the interest on the public debt of the
State, two hundred and sixty thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary; to the salary of the Custodian of
Public Records, nine hundred and twenty dollars for the year