liquidate the mortgage upon said institution; to the House of
Reformation and Instruction for Colored Children, of fifteen
thousand dollars; to the managers of the Maryland Hospital
for the Insane, for the support of the institution, thirty-eight
thousand dollars; to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Frederick,
for the education of deaf and dumb, thirty thousand dollars; to
the Maryland School for the Blind, for the education of the
deaf and dumb and blind colored children of the State, ten
thousand dollars, together with the further sum of ten thou-
sand dollars for improvements; to the Springfield State Hos-
pital for the Insane, the sum of sixty thousand dollars for
maintenance, fifteen hundred dollars for insurance, six thou-
sand dollars for sewers, fifty thousand dollars for new build-
ings, and thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars to complete
the railroad to said institution; to the Maryland Asylum and
Training School for Feeble Minded, the sum of thirty-seven
thousand five hundred dollars for maintenance, together with
the further sum of fifteen thousand dollars for buildings.
To the State Vaccine Agent for his salary, six hundred dol-
lars, and to defray the expenses of procuring reliable vaccine
virus, two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be nec-
essary; to the members of the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore
city, for making out the list of the holders of Baltimore city
stock, fifty dollars each, one hundred and fifty dollars; to the
Register of Baltimore city, for collecting the State tax on Balti-
more city stock, three hundred dollars; for printing the report
of the State Tax Commissioner, six hundred dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary; for the postage for the Executive
Department, Land Office, Comptroller's Office, Treasurer's Of-
fice, Secretary of the Senate and chief clerk of the House of
Delegates, two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary; for fuel and lights of the public buildings and
grounds, to be expended under the direction and control of the
Governor, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary; to the twenty-six newspapers in which shall be pub-
lished the defaulters to the State previous to the general elec-
tion in November, 1909, to be distributed by the Comptroller
upon bills rendered, one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as
may be necessary; for the purpose of fitting the Senate Cham-
ber and Hall of the House of Delegates, and so forth, for the
meeting of the General Assembly of 1910, and for incidental
repairs to the public buildings during the recess of the Legisla-
ture, four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be nec-
essary, to be expended by and under the control and direction