thereof as may be necessary; for the expenses of the Secretary
of the Lunacy Commission, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary; to the Bureau of Indus-
trial Statistics, for printing the annual report, as per Section 6
of chapter 29 of the Acts of 1892, the sum of one thousand dol-
lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; said sum to be
expended under the direction of the Governor; to meet the
deficiency in payment of stationery for the General Assembly
of Maryland, session of 1908, etc., in accordance with chapter
397 of 1904, two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary; to the Bureau of Immigration, the sum of ten thou-
sand dollars, to be used in accordance with chapter 295 of the
Acts of 1896, and chapter 282 of the Acts of 1898; to the Board
of State Aids and Charities, the sum of three thousand five hun-
dred dollars, to be used in accordance with chapter 549 of 1904;
to the Board of Public Works, the sum of three thousand dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary for the publication of a
book on the resources of Maryland, to attract desirable settlers,
the same to be contracted for by said Board of Public Works,
and distributed through the agency of the Bureau of Immigra-
tion, or in such other way as they may direct; to meet the
deficiency in legislative printing, as prescribed in chapter 319
of the Acts of 1904, for the session of 1908, the sum of five
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; to
the State Game Warden, the sum of four hundred dollars, for
traveling and other necessary expenses; to the Board of Public
Works for repairs to the State hay and cattle scales at Havre de
Grace, one hundred and fifty dollars; to the Record Publishing
Company of Cambridge, for publishing amendment to section
1 of article 1 of the Constitution of the State and section 34 of
article 3 of the Constitution of the State, one hundred and
fifty dollars; to pay the militia for attending the inauguration
of Gov. Austin L. Crothers, and the expenses of the committee
counting State funds, nine hundred and ninety-eight dollars
and fifty-six cents; to pay for 319 seats for galleries of House
and Senate, fourteen hundred and seventy-five dollars; to pay
for carpets for Senate and House for the session of 1910, old
carpets to be used for galleries, two thousand dollars; to Van
Kammel, revolving door for new portico, mahogany, with
bronze plates, twelve hundred and fifty dollars; for the expenses
incurred by the State in the extradition of criminals, the sum
of two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary, said expenses to be paid by the Comptroller upon proper
vouchers approved by the Governor; for extra clerical assist-
ance and expenses in the Executive Department during sessions
of the Legislature and at other times when the same may be