tary of the commission. Said commission shall also keep
books showing in detail all expenditures of, money in every
county of the State in connection with the establishment, im-
provement or maintenance of roads, and in connection with all
work whatsoever of the commission, which books and records
shall be open to the inspection of any taxpayer of the State at
any time. No member of said commission shall become pecu-
niarily interested in any contract for work done or materials
provided in connection with any of the work of said commis-
sion. The commission shall at the time of its organization, as
aforesaid, and thereafter from time to time, adopt such by-
laws and rules of procedure for the conduct of its business as
it may deem necessary. It shall annually compile and publish
maps and statistics relating to the public roads of the State
and showing the progress and status of the work done or en-
tered upon by it and separately for the several counties. All
maps, plans and statistics made, collected and compiled under
its discretion shall be preserved in its office and shall be open
to the inspection of any taxpayer of the State. All bills or
claims on account of any of the work of the said commission
or in any way relating to its duties or transactions shall be
passed upon by the commission at a meeting of its members,
and no claim involving the expenditure of more than fifty
dollars, and no contract involving a larger expenditure than
fifty dollars, shall be allowed or made except by a majority
vote of all members of the commission at a meeting thereof;
all contracts, agreements, grants, licenses made or entered
into by the commission shall be recorded in books kept for that
purpose, which shall always be open to the inspection of the
public. It shall be the duty of the members of the commis-
sion to travel over and personally inspect the public highways
in the several parts of the State and the work being done on the
same, in order that they may have, as far as possible, personal
knowledge of the requirements of the several sections of the
State in reference to the matter of roads as well as of the pro-
gress from time to time of the work of said commission.
32B. The commission created under this Act is hereby au-
thorized and directed to include in its work of improving the
system of main roads of the State, the improvement of such
portions of the main roads selected by said commission as a
part of such system as lie inside the limits of the city of Balti-
more, up to the old city limits, provided that on completion of
such improvements, the portions of the roads so improved
within the city limits shall be city streets under the provisions
of the city charter. The said commission, in addition to the
powers hereinbefore mentioned, shall have full powers and be