such other duties as are imposed on him by this Act or as may
be assigned to him by said commission. The members of said
commission, other than the Governor, the chairman and the
two men designated by the Governor from the Maryland Geo-
logical and Economic Survey, its officers or members, shall
each receive as compensation for their services a salary of two
thousand dollars ($2, 000) per annum, payable in equal monthly
instalments, and the chairman shall receive a compensation at
the rate of twenty-five hundred dollars (|2, 500) per annum,
payable in equal monthly instalments. The commissioners,
other than the Governor, shall take the oath prescribed by
article 1, section 6, of the Constitution of the State. As soon
as the members of said commission shall have met and quali-
fied they shall organize by the election of a secretary, not a
member of said commission, who shall be removable at the
pleasure of said commission, and who shall receive such com-
pensation as the commission shall determine, not exceeding
the sum of eighteen hundred dollars ($1, 800) per annum. He
shall enter in the journal of said commission and shall carefully
preserve neat, legible, full and accurate minutes of all meet-
ings and records of all proceedings of said commission, and
make true copies of all notices directed by said commission to
be published and of the certificates of publication thereof, and
shall perform such other duties as shall appertain to the office
of secretary of a private corporation or as are imposed on him
by this Act, or as may be assigned to him by said commission.
All records of said commission shall be public records, and the
commission shall, annually, make to the Governor a detailed
report of its official transactions, and of all its expenditures
and of all liabilities incurred by it. The said commission may
employ such chief engineer, assistant engineer, professional or
technical experts, surveyors, agents, assistants, clerks, em-
ployes and laborers, skilled and unskilled, and also such advis-
ers and consultants as it may deem requisite for the perform-
ance and execution of the powers and duties imposed and con-
ferred by this Act, and shall fix their respective compensa-
tions, and shall have the power to remove or discharge them at
its pleasure; and to exact from them or any of them such indem-
nity bonds for the faithful performance of their respective
duties as the commission may deem proper. And said commis-
sion may also rent or lease all proper and necessary offices and
other places which it may deem proper and necessary for the
performance of its duties and the purposes of this Act. The
said commission shall keep a journal in which shall be entered
all its proceedings in detail, the correctness of the same to be
attested at each succeeding meeting by the president and secre-