the contract for such entire printing as aforesaid to the lowest
responsible bidder who shall have filed with his bid a bond
satisfactory to said Board of Public Works, and said Board of
Public Works shall be the judge of the sufficiency of said bond,
and no bid shall be considered by said Board of Public Works
unless accompanied by such bond. And it is further provided,
that said Board of Public Works shall not receive any bid
which shall be for a greater amount than twenty-two thousand
dollars, and should no bid within this amount be received by
the said Board of Public Works, said board shall then advertise
for bids immediately after the first day above fixed for receiving
said bids, in the same manner and under the same conditions
hereinbefore set forth for the first advertisement.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 30, 1908.
AN ACT to add two new sections to article 78 of the Code of
Public Laws, title "Public Printer, " to come in after section
6 of said article, to be numbered sections 7 and 8, relating to
the furnishing to the State Printer of certified copies of the
Acts of Assembly and to the mode and order of printing the
Public General Laws, the Public Local Laws and the private
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That two new sections be added to article 78 of the Code
of Public General Laws, title "Public Printer, " to come in
after section 6, and to be known as sections 7 and 8, and to
read as follows:
7. It shall be the duty of the Governor promptly after his
approval of bills passed by the General Assembly, as well as
the bills which become laws without such approval, before
delivering the same to the clerk of the Court of Appeals, to
cause copies thereof, certified under the great seal, to be forth-
with forwarded to the public printer, for his use in printing
the laws, in the manner provided for in the succeeding section.
8. It shall also be the duty of the Governor, promptly, before
delivering to the public printer the certified copies of the sev-
eral Acts required by the preceding section to be delivered to
said public printer, to cause the said certified copies to be com-
piled, classified and indexed by a competent person, to be
appointed by him for that purpose, into three classes, first, as
Public General Laws; second, as Public Local Laws, and third,