able to ascertain the largest circulation, the following adver-
tisement: The Board of Public Works will receive sealed pro-
posals or bids based upon specifications, to be furnished to all
who may apply for the same, for the State printing for the
General Assembly of Maryland, at their next ensuing session;
and on the day of, said date being fixed by the said
Board of Public Works at or near 12 o'clock M., said sealed
proposals or bids, based upon the specifications aforesaid, will
be opened in the presence of the bidders. Said proposals or
bids shall each include four thousand copies of the Governor's
Message in English, five hundred copies of the Governor's
Message in German, three thousand copies of the reports of the
Comptroller of the Treasury, one thousand copies of the re-
ports of the State Treasurer, one thousand copies of the reports
of the Adjutant General, one thousand copies of the Mine
Inspector's report of Allegany county, two thousand copies of
the school reports, one thousand copies of the reports of the
Insurance Commissioner, one thousand copies of the reports of
the Commissioner of the Land Office, two thousand copies of
the reports of the State Board of Health; two thousand copies
of the reports of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics and In-
formation, one thousand of which shall be distributed by the
printer to the labor organizations of the State; one thousand
copies of the report of the State Fish Commissioners, and all
of the aforesaid shall be printed and bound in paper, and the
printer shall send to the Librarian five hundred copies of each
of the reports in the manner said reports have heretofore been
bound; to be bound, one thousand copies of the daily journal
of the Senate, one thousand copies of the daily journal of the
'House of Delegates, five hundred of each of which shall be
revised and corrected and printed in proper form for binding;
three hundred copies of each and every bill, including general
and local bills, introduced in the Senate; three hundred copies
of each and every bill, including general and local bills, intro-
duced in the House; two thousand "yeas" and "nays" for the use
of the House of Delegates; two thousand "yeas" and "nays"
for the use of the Senate; two hundred copies of the Rules and
Orders for the use of the Senate; including parliamentary law
and usage and practice of the Senate as now appended to the
present rules of the Senate; the above rules and orders to be
printed and bound in paper; two hundred copies of the Rules
and Orders for the use of the House of Delegates, four hundred
copies of the list of members of both Houses, two hundred lists
of the Senate committees for the use of the Senate; three hun-
dred lists of the House committees for the use of the House of
Delegates, fifteen hundred copies of the Acts and Resolutions