lations as they may prescribe. Justices of the peace may com-
mit such children to such parental schools, but no person con-
victed of any crime, or of any offense other than truancy, shall
be committed thereto.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 31, 1908.
AN ACT to add two new sections to article 77 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Public Education, "
to follow immediately after section 188, and to be known
and numbered as sections 189 and 190.
WHEREAS, The State of Maryland has for many years appro-
priated large sums of money for the free education of colored
children, with a view to improving the condition of the State
by fitting them for the work and responsibilities of citizens; and
WHEREAS, This endeavor of the State has not met with entire
success, largely because of the inability of the school authori-
ties of the State to secure the services of a sufficient number of
trained and competent colored teachers; and
WHEREAS, The Baltimore Normal School (a body corporate)
has for many years conducted a school for the training of col-
ored teachers in the city of Baltimore, having many students,
the necessary teachers, and owning a fair equipment, as well as
a building in fee at the northwest corner of Saratoga and St.
Paul streets in the city of Baltimore, and Baltimore city stock,
worth in all more than $20, 000, all of which the said Balti-
more Normal School has formally offered to donate to the
State, to be used by the State Board of Education as a training
school for the purpose of maintaining under State authority,
as a part of the school system, a permanent Normal school for
the education of colored teachers; and
WHEREAS, It is wise and expedient that the State avail of
the offer of the Baltimore Normal School, and establish and
maintain a Normal school for colored teachers, to the end that
the colored schools may be supplied with teachers who are fitted
for the responsible duties entrusted to them; therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That two new sections be added to article 77 of the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Public Education, "