secured by mortgages, to be paid upon such terms as may be
approved by said corporation; to loan and borrow money for
any of the corporate purposes of the said corporation, and to
have discretionary power to invest at its pleasure its capital
stock; and all moneys received in the course of its business
transactions, and to take, have, hold and enjoy all such
estates, real or personal, as may be obtained with moneys
aforesaid; to execute, acknowledge and deliver all deeds and
legal papers and instruments concerning the same; to collect
rents, ground rents, interest or mortgages, dividends and in-
comes of all accounts upon such terms as may be arranged;
and it shall be lawful for any other companies or corporation,
chartered or to be chartered under the laws of this State, to
enter in any agreement with this company which shall be for
the common benefit and will promote the objects, business and
purposes thereof.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted., That the said corporation shall
be and is hereby authorized to take and receive upon storage
all and any merchandise, provisions, furniture, plates, etc., of
any kind whatsoever, and generally to do a regular storage
business for the care and keeping of merchandise, provisions,
furniture, plates, etc., and to transact and perform all the
business relating to such storage, including the placing of in-
surance with any insurance company operating in this State
on all stored property for the benefit of the owner of said
stored property, and that said corporation will not be required
to exercise any other or greater care over any goods stored
with it than would be required of any individual engaged in
a general storage business, and that said corporation shall be
entitled to charge such a commission, compensation for such
storage as may be agreed upon, and for the complete preserva-
tion and keeping of such articles as may be committed to said
corporation for storage said corporation may contract, erect,
purchase or lease such fire or burglar proof buildings, vaults,
iron and composition safes or other buildings or means which
may become necessary for its storage business.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the said company be
and is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds, with
or without coupons attached, in such amounts and payable at
such times and places with interest, not exceeding sixty cents,
as they may deem expedient, said bonds to be secured by mort-
gage or mortgages, deed or deeds of trust, or real, leasehold
or personal property belonging to it.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the said corpora-
tion be and is hereby authorized and empowered to lend and
borrow money for any of the purposes for which it was created