38. To the following bequests contained in the last will and
testament of Matilda M. Fout, late of Frederick county, Mary-
land, deceased, bearing date the first day of December, in the
year 1904, duly probated and recorded in Liber W. B. C., No.
1, folio 414, one of the books for recording wills in the office of
the Register of Wills for Frederick county, Maryland: (a)
A bequest to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Frederick,
Maryland; of the sum of five hundred dollars, the income from
which to be applied to the purchase of books for the library
of the Sunday School belonging to or attached to said church;
(b) A bequest of an additional sum of five hundred dollars
to said Evangelical Lutheran Church of Frederick, Maryland,
for the purpose of paying for the steam heating plant in the
parsonage of said church.
39. To the grant and conveyance of a certain lot of land in
Westminster, Carroll county, Maryland, containing eighty-
seven hundred and fifty square feet of land, more or less, con-
veyed by David D. Bonsack and others, trustees, to The Trus-
tees of the Meadow Branch Congregation of the German Bap-
tist Brethren of Maryland, a body corporate, by deed dated
February 14, 1891, and recorded among the Land Records of
Carroll county aforesaid in Liber B. F. C., No. 72, folio 269,
etc., and being the same land conveyed for a church by said
deed and by deed of Isaac Cole and others, trustees, to Henry
Warner and others, trustees, by deed of record among the
Land Records of Carroll county, in Liber F. T. S., No. 51,
folio 420, etc., and by deed of J. Frank Brown and others,
trustees, of record as aforesaid in Liber F. T. S., No. 49, folio
73, etc.
40. To the grant and conveyance of certain lots of land in
Carroll county, containing three acres, one rood and three
perches of land, more or less, conveyed by Joseph Stoner and
others, trustees, to the said "The Trustees of the Meadow
Branch Congregation of the German Baptist Brethern of
Maryland," by deed dated February 14, 1891, and recorded
among the Land Records of Carroll county in Liber B. F. C.,
No. 72, folio 266, etc., and being the same land conveyed for a
church and burying ground at Meadow Branch, Carroll county,
by deed of Jehu Royer and others to David Roop and Jacob
Mehring, trustees, dated February 11, 1847, and recorded as
aforesaid in Liber J. S., No. 6, folio 399, etc., and by deed of
Margaret Royer, executrix, to David Roop and Joseph Stoner,
trustees, dated March 19, 1869, and recorded as aforesaid in
Liber J. B. B., .No. 37, folio 150.
41. To the grant and conveyance of a certain lot of land in
Carroll county, containing sixteen perches of land, more or less,