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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 106   View pdf image (33K)
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candidate for Congress shall be added the name of the county
or city in which the candidate resides. Ballots shall be so
printed as to give each voter a clear opportunity to designate
by a cross (x) in a square at the right of the name of each can-
didate, and at the right of each question, his choice of candi-
date and his answer to such question. Such square shall be at
least one-half of an inch in size. If the candidate is named for
the same office on two or more certificates of nomination, his
name shall be printed on the ballot but once. The names of
candidates for the office of electors of president and vice-presi-
dent of the United States shall be arranged in groups, as pre-
sented in the several certificates of nomination papers, and
the several groups shall be arranged in such order of the sur-
names of the candidates for president as the several boards of
supervisors shall prescribe in the city of Baltimore and in the
several counties, respectively. If candidates for presidential
electors are nominated at large and for the several Congres-
sional districts, the names and places of the residence of the
candidates at large shall be put at the head of each group, and
the name of the other candidates, with their places of residence,
including the members of the Congressional districts in which
they reside, shall follow in numerical order. The surname of
the candidates of each political party for the office of president
and vice-president shall be placed above the group of candi-
dates for electors of such party. There shall be left at the
right of the surname of the candidates for president and vice-
president so formed as to include both names, and to the right
of the name of each elector, a sufficient clear square in which
each voter may designate, by a cross (x) his choice for electors.
All candidates for office shall, as far as possible, be placed in
one column, but where the names to be printed upon the ticket
are over thirty-six, then another column shall be added in
which names shall be printed, and when two or more columns
are used the same number of names shall, as far as possible, be
printed in each column, and the initial letter of the given or
Christian name of the several candidates in each column shall
be printed directly beneath each other in a vertical line. A
. Constitutional amendment or any question to be submitted to
the popular vote shall be printed in the same column with the
names of the candidates. This section shall apply to Worces-
ter, Somerset, Talbot, Kent, Dorchester, Prince George's,
Charles, St. Mary's, Calvert, Anne Arundel and Queen Anne's

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the aforegoing sec-
tions of this Act shall take effect from the date of their passage.


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 106   View pdf image (33K)
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