ACT. 33. ] ELECTIONS. 105
presidential electors are nominated at large and for the several
Congressional districts, the name and place of residence of the
candidates at large shall be put at the head of each group, and
the names of the other candidatets, with their places of resi-
dence, including the members of the Congressional district in
which they reside, shall follow in numerical order. The sur-
name of the candidates of each political party for the office of
president and vice-president with the party name at the right
of the surname, shall be placed above the group of candidates
for electors of such party. There shall be left at the right of
the surname of the candidates for president and vice-president,
so formed as to include both names, and to the right of the
name of each elector a sufficient clear square in which each
voter may designate by a cross (x) his choice for electors. All
candidates for office shall, as far as possible, be placed in one
column, but when the names to be printed upon the ticket are
over thirty-six, then another column shall be added in which
names shall be printed, and when two or more columns are used
the same number of names shall, as far as possible, be printed
in each column. And the initial letter of the given or Christian
name of the several candidates in each column shall be printed
directly beneath each other in a vertical line, and the initial let-
ter of the respective party designations of said several candi-
dates shall be printed directly beneath each other in a vertical
line. A constitutional amendment, or any question to be sub-
mitted to the popular vote shall be printed in a separate column,
to follow immediately after the names of candidates. This
section shall apply to Baltimore city, and Baltimore, Garrett
and Frederick, Wicomico, Carroll, Washington, Allegany, Cecil,
Montgomery, Howard, Caroline and Harford counties.
SEC. 55. The form and arrangement of ballot shall be as fol-
lows: All ballots shall contain the name of every candidate
whose nomination for any office specified in the ballots has
been certified and filed according to the provisions. of this
article, and not withdrawn in accordance therewith. The
names of candidates for every office shall, except in case of can-
didates for presidential electors, be arranged under the desig-
nation of the office above the group of names of the candi-
dates for each office, and upon a separate line immediately be-
neath the designation of the office there shall be printed in bold,
plain roman capitals, twelve point (pica) type, an appropriate
direction or instruction to the voter, informing him of the
number of persons for whom he may lawfully vote for the par-
ticular office mentioned, immediately above each such direction,
thus, "vote for one, " or "vote for two, " or "vote for six, " as the
case may be. To the name of each candidate for State office or