AN ACT to add a new section to Article 16 of the Code of
Pnblic Local Laws, title "Montgomery County," under the
new sub-title "Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes," to
be numbered section 52 1/2 and to follow section 52.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new section be and the same is hereby added to
Article 16 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Montgom-
ery County," under the new sub-title "Bills of Exchange and
Promissory Notes," to follow section 52, and be numbered sec-
tion 52 1/2, and to read as follows :
52 1/2. It shall be lawful for banks and bankers in Montgom-
ery county to close their doors for business at twelve o'clock
New section
noon on each and every Saturday in the year, and every Satur-
day in the year after twelve o'clock noon shall be a legal half
holiday so far as regards the presenting for payment or accept-
ance and the protesting and giving notice of the dishonor of
bills of exchange, bank checks, drafts, promissory notes and
other negotiable paper, and for these purposes shall be treated
and considered as the first day of the week, commonly called
Sunday, and all such bills, checks, drafts and notes presentable
for acceptance or payment on Saturday, shall be deemed to be
presentable for acceptance or payment on the secular or busi-
ness day next succeeding; provided, however, that all bills of
exchange, drafts and promissory notes made after the passage of
this Act, except those payable at sight or on demand, which
shall be otherwise payable on any half holiday Saturday shall be
deemed to be and shall be payable on the next succeeding sec-
ular or business day, and provided further, that for the purpose
of protesting or otherwise holding any party to any bill of
exchange, bank check, draft or promissory note, and which shall
not have been paid before twelve o'clock at noon on any half
holiday Saturday, a demand of acceptance or payment thereof
may be made, and notice of protest or dishonor thereof may
be given on the next succeeding secular or business day; pro-
vided further, that when any person shall receive for collection
in said county any bill of exchange, bank check or promissory
note due and presentable for acceptance or payment on any
half holiday Saturday, such person shall not be deemed guilty
of any neglect or omission of duty nor incur any liability in
not presenting for payment or acceptance or collecting such
bill of exchange, bank check, draft or promissory note on that
day ; and provided further, that in construing this section,
Lawful to
close doors
at 12 o'clock