any purpose, unless to purchase more land for burial purposes,
and then the proceeds from the sale of such land shall be
placed in said fund, but the said Board may use the interest
derived from said fund for the purpose of maintaining, im-
proving and ornamenting said grounds. The secretary of said
board of Managers shall make a written report to the said
church, at its regular annual meeting, of each item of income
and expenditure, the amount of cash on hand and where the
funds derived from the sale of lots are invested. The proceeds
of the sale of lots shall be invested by the Board of Managers
in such securities as they may believe to be safe, but no funds
exceeding two hundred dollars in the aggregate shall be invested
unless the consent of the council of the said church be first
obtained thereto. In case of funds being loaned on real estate
the same shall not be on unproductive property, and then in
such sum as not to exceed two-thirds of its assessed value for the
purpose of State and county taxation. The secretary of said
Board of Managers shall give bond in such sum as may be
satisfactory to said Board of Managers, and shall serve without
Keep pro-
ceeds of sale
in a separate
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the said Board of
Managers shall set apart a portion of the ground under their
control for the purpose of free burial, and- no charge shall be
made for burial therein, but the board may designate the place
at which any body shall be interred. In case the purchasers
of any burial lot shall neglect or refuse to pay for the same
within one year from the date of purchase, the said board may
at any time thereafter remove any bodies buried therein to a
place of free burial, and may then sell the said lot as herein-
before provided. No lands purchased for burial purposes shall
be sold for building lots or any other purpose, except for
sepulture and cemetery purposes.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the said Board
Free burial.
of Managers shall have power to contract with the legal repre-
sentatives of any burial grounds adjoining those now under its
charge, and may take such burial grounds under its care and
management, and when such burial grounds shall have been
thus conveyed to their care, the said burial grounds are to be
held the same in all respects as those now under its jurisdiction.
Power to
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That any regular
ordained minister of any church or sect shall have the right to
conduct funeral service according to the custom of his church,
upon the burial grounds herein described.