law, proceed at the court house door in the town of Rockville
at ten o'clock, ante:meridian, on said last Wednesday in Feb-
ruary, to offer each and every the said parcels of land or per-
sonal property for sale to the highest bidder for cash ; which
said list und notice shall be published for two consecutive
weeks before said last Wednesday in February, in some news-
paper printed in the said town of Rockville; and on said last
Wednesday in February, the said bailiff shall proceed to sell
each and every the said parcels of land or personal property on
which the taxes, interest and proportional parts of the expense
of advertising and legal costs shall not then have been paid,
beginning with the first parcel of said list and eo on in order,
continuing from day to day, on each secular day from ten
o'clock A. M. until three o'clock p. M., until every parcel shall
have been offered.
193 C. Whenever it is necesssary to sell personal property for
the payment of taxes, the bailiff shall seize and take into
possession so much of the goods and chattels of the delinquent
taxpayer as he may deem necessary to satisfy the taxes in
arrear, and make out a schedule of the same, and in the list of
delinquent taxpayers it shall be sufficient to describe the same
as a lot of personal property assessed to the person named, and
the sale thereof shall be made from the schedule made at the
time of the seizure thereof; and the title to personal property
so sold shall pass to the purchaser at the time of such sale,
with the right of redemption at any time within sixty days,
provided the former owner shall within said period pay to
the purchaser or the person then owing the amount paid
therefor, with ten per cent, interest and all costs and expenses
193 D. With respect to any parcel or parcels of land which
Seize and
may be sold under the provisions of the preceding sections, the
bailiff shall, within twenty days after the conclusion of said
sale or sales, make and file in the Circuit Court for Montgomery
county a full report, setting forth his proceedings in the premi-
ses in detail, and also showing to whom and at what price the
several parcels were sold, the amount of tax, interest and pro-
portional part of the expense of advertising and legal costs in
each case, and shall also file with said report as part thereof a
copy of the printed list and notice as required in section 193 B.
If upon examination of said report the said court, or any judge
thereof, shall be of the opinion that the provisions of law have
been complied with substantially, it shall pass an order warning
all persons to show cause by a day to be therein named why
Make and file
a full report.