stones, plats and all materials used by him, he shall be paid a
sum of money not exceeding one thousand dollars, one-half
thereof by the County Commissioners of Allegany county and
one-half thereof by the County Commissioners of Garrett
county, and said commissioners of said counties shall in their
levies of taxes next occurring after the passage of this Act,
levy the sum of five hundred dollars for each of said counties
for the cost of said survey, and they shall pay said engineer
such part of said amount as is necessary in full compensation
for all his services, assistance, materials and expenses as afore-
said, and the Governor shall require said engineer to give bond
with such securities and in such sum as he shall deem proper
conditioned to the faithful discharge of the trust reposed in
SEC. 2. Said engineer shall, as soon as he has surveyed and
Lines to be
established the true division line, as aforesaid, permanently
mark said line on the ground at its terminal points, and along
said line by planting thereon and along the same, suitable
stones properly marked to designate said division line so
placed as to be not more than one mile apart along said whole
SEC. 3. And le it enacted. That immediately after the com-
pletion of said survey, said engineer shall make a full and
Report to be
detailed report of said survey with the courses and distances
of the same and a plat of the same, which report and plat shall
be made in triplicate, and one each of the same shall be filed
by him with the clerks of the Circuit Courts for Allegany and
Garrett counties and one with the Commissioner of the Land
Office, and be recorded by said officers in the record books of
their said offices, and a copy of said report shall be also trans-
mitted to the Governor, who, upon approval of the same shall
notify the County Commissioners of said counties, after which
they shall make full payment to said engineer as aforesaid ;
but nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent the
County Commissioners of either or both of said counties from
advancing to said engineer any part of his said compensation
as they may see fit, prior to said final payments, upon being
satisfied from the progress of the survey that such engineer is
entitled to such advance payments, and upon the approval of
the Governor of the true made and established line by the sur-
veyor, approved under this Act, the said line shall be and is
hereby made the legal and established boundary line between
Allegany and Garrett counties, between the terminal points, as
established by chapter 212, Acts of 1872.