Erection of
same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury
not otherwise appropriated, to the Maryland Agricultural Col-
lege, ten thousand dollars of which shall be used for the erec-
tion of a suitable building for recitation rooms and laboratories
for the department of agriculture and its allied branches, the
remainder of four thousand dollars for the proper sanitary
plumbing in the present dormitories.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Comptroller of
Maryland be and the same is hereby authorized and directed
to issue his warrant on the Treasurer of Maryland; payable to
the order of the Maryland Agriculture College, or to its
accredited agents, the sum of fourteen thousand dollars, said
sum to be used solely for the purpose hereinbefore set forth.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1898.
AN ACT to extend the privileges, enlarge the powers, amend
and ratify the Charter of the " Commercial and Savings
Bank of Snow Hill," Maryland.
WHEREAS, the ''Commercial and Savings Bank of Snow
Hill," Maryland, was duly incorporated on the twenty -seventh
day of September, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-
seven as a savings institution under the provisions of the gen-
eral laws of this State relating to the creation and regulation
of incorporated companies in the State of Maryland, with a
capital stock of twenty-five thousand dollars, divided into two
hundred and fifty shares, with the privilege of increasing its
capital stock at any tipie by the shareholders according to the
.provisions of law, and is desirous of extending the privileges
and enlarging the powers of the said corporation, as will appear
by certificate dated the twenty-seventh day of September, in
the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and recorded
among the Incorporation Records of Worcester county, Mary-
land, in liber F. H. P. No. 2, folios 11 and 12.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Ratified and
land, That the charter of the "Commercial and Savings Bank
of Snow Hill," Maryland, as it appears by its certificate of
incorporation, dated the twenty-seventh day of September, in
the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, recorded among
the Incorporation Records of said Worcester county, in liber