ties, to be approved by the Board of Aldermen and to be
recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for
Frederick county, the condition of said bond being that if the
above bound —— ; shall well and faithfully execute the
office of City Register of Frederick city, and tax collector for
said city, and shall account for and pay over to the Mayor and
Aldermen of Frederick the several sums of money which he
shall receive for the Mayor and Aldermen of Frederick, or be
answerable for by law, at such time as the law and the ordi-
nances of said city, and the orders and resolutions of the said
Board of Aldermen shall direct, then the said obligation to be
void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue in
law. The City Register shall have the keeping of the common
seal of the corporation, which shall be circular in form, and
shall have engraved around its margin the words "Corpo-
ration of Frederick, Maryland," and upon its centre an
eagle. The corporate seal shall be used by the City Reg-
ister in all cases provided by ordinance, and in all other
cases , where a corporate seal may be necessary. All fees
by him received, shall be paid over to the Mayor and
Aldermen of Frederick. He shall receive and take into his
charge all moneys of the said corporation, whether arising
from taxes, licenses, fines and forfeitures, or in any other way
whatsoever, and deposit the same in bank in the name of the
Mayor and Aldermen of Frederick, to be disbursed only in
payment of claims against the said corporation properly
allowed, and for such purposes as may be directed by the
Board of Alderman, on warrant signed by himself and coun-
tersigned by the Mayor. He shall keep a bank book to contain
regular entries of all moneys by him deposited and of all
checks by him drawn. He shall keep a regular and fair
account in a book, or books, in folio, of all moneys by him
received and expended on account of the said corporation, and
shall annually or oftener if required by the Mayor, lay before
him a particular account of his receipts and expenditures
accompanied with the proper vouchers, his bank book and his
returned crossed checks. He shall record his annual account
of receipts and expenditures in a book to be kept especially
for that purpose. In addition to the foregoing the City Regis-
ter shall also perform such other duties pertaining to the
proper administration of the duties of his office as may be
required of him by the ordinances of said city. In the event
Of any wilful neglect of duty, or in case of any misconduct,
misbehavior malfeasance in office, upon his conviction
thereof the Circuit Court for Frederick County, or any
from taxes,