who have been forbidden to do so by a special written notice
served upon him, or her, or them, by the owner or owners
of said private property, or by their agents.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That any person or persons who shall enter upon or cross
over the premises or private property of any person or persons
in Wicomico county, in this State, after having had a special
written notice served upon him, her or them, by the owner or
owners of said property, or by his, her or their agent, not to
cross over or enter upon said premises or private property,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction
thereof before some justice of the peace of said county, be
fined by said justice not Jess than five nor more than fifty
dollars, and in default of payment of said line, together with
costs of prosecution, shall he by said justice of the peace com-
mitted to the county jail for a period of twenty days.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all fines collected
Guilty of mis-
under the foregoing secti n shall be paid by the justice of the
peace before whom such conviction shall be had, and whose
duty it is hereby made to pay the same over, to the County
School Commissioners of said county, within a period of thirty
days after having received the same.
Approved April 7, 1898.
AN ACT to authorize the Clerk of the Superior Court of
Baltimore City to prepare new indexes to certain of the land
records in his office, and to transcribe and rearrange the
WHEREAS, The alphabetical indexes of the land records in the
office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City
from 1865 to 1886 are arranged upon systems now obsolete and
different from that upon which they have been arranged since
1886, and different from the indexes from 1659 to 1864, as
authorized to be rearranged by chapter 435 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of 1896 ; and
WHEREAS, by long use the same are, in a large measure, in
a dilapidated condition, and in view of the great value and
Fines to be
paid over
to county
school com-
importance of these records and indexes, and the large and in
creasing business of the office of the clerk of the Superior
Court of Baltimore city, it is desirable and proper that said