207 A. The clerk of the Criminal Court of Baltimore shall have
power at any time to take bail when authorized by the court,
whether the court is in session or not, and although the de- 1
fendant is not present or does not join in the recognizance ;
but in all cases, before bail is taken by the clerk, the court
shall fix the amount thereof.
207 B. Whenever any person charged with a criminal offense
desires to be admitted to bail, his recognizer, except as pro-
Bail taken.
vided for in the. next succeeding flection, shall sign and make^
oath to an application in which shall be stated the location of'
his property, his interest therein, its value, ground rent, mort-
gages and other recognizances and incumbrances, if any, to
which it may be subject, and such other matters as may be
inquired of, and required to be inserted in the application by
the clerk to whom such application is made, to enable such
clerk to determine the value of the security offered.
irimitted to
207 o. The clerk of the Criminal Court of Baltimore may,
when so ordered by the Court, admit any person to bail on his]
own recognizance, or may accept a recognizer without stated
property qualifications.
207 D. It shall be sufficient for recognizances taken in the
Criminal Court of Baltimore, when signed by the judge or the
' O v J O
Duty of clerk.
clerk thereof, to conform to the following formula : "You and
each of you acknowledge yourselves to owe and stand indebted 3
to the State of Maryland in the sum of dollars for the
appearance of at this court on the day of
.18 , to answer the charge alleged against him,
and to attend this court thenceforth from day to day until dis-
charged therefrom in due course of law.
207 E. Every recognizance taken in any criminal proceeding
in Baltimore city shall be a lien upon the property of the
recognizer mentioned in his application from the date of the
acknowledgment of such recognizance, unless such recognizance
rormula to
O O ' t m m O
shall have been acknowledged before a police justice or before j
a court upon writ of habeas corpus, in which case it shall be a
lien from the time it is filed with the clerk of the Criminal
Court of Baltimore. When any recognizance is forfeited it
shall become a judgment, and shall have all the effect of judg-
ments rendered in civil causes, and may be enforced by execu-
tion by order of the State's Attorney at any time within six
years from the date of the forfeiture, and not afterwards.
207 F. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the Criminal
Court of Baltimore immediately to record, in a properly
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