County," sob-title "Roads," as repealed and re-enacted by the
Act of 1892, chapter 463. be and the same is hereby repealed
and re-enacted so as to read as follows :
177 A. Of the suras levied in each year for the repair of
public roads in the several collection districts of Montgomery
county, one-half thereof and as rauch more thereof as the Board
of County Commissioners of said county shall deem advisable,
ment of
shall be set apart and devoted to the permanent improvement
of said road by the use of stone or other hard material, and
said sum shall be placed to the credit of the County Commis-
sioners of the respective collection districts for that purpose
alone, annually before the first day of May, the Commissioners
for the respective collection districts shall examine the condi-
tion of the roads thereof, and as soon as practicable shall make
report in writing to the Board of County Commissioners of
such portions of the roads in said districts as most needing
repair by macadamizing, having regard as to this need, to the
amount of travel and the general needs of the community,
• together with an estimate of the cost of macadamizing such
portions of said road ; and the Board of County Commissioners
shall designate upon which portions of tire roads the sums avail-
able for macadamizing shall be expended, and the Commis-
sioners for the respective districts shall forthwith proceed to
expend said sums upon the portions of the roads so designated,
and for this purpose they may personally employ the necessary
labor and superintend said work, or may let the same out by
contract to the. lowest responsible bidder, who shall be required
to give bond 'for the faithful performance of his contract, and
the said Commissioners are further authorized and empowered
to contract with farmers living along the roads to' be improved
for the delivery of the stone gathered from fields in the ordi-
nary course of husbandry at a price not exceeding fifteen cents
per perch, the same to be delivered at points designated by
the Commissioners ; but this clause shall not be construed so
as to prevent the Commissioners from contracting for the
delivery of material other than that PO gathered, at prices to
be mutually agreed upon, and whenever the portion of any
road designated to be macadamized shall be within the road
given to any road supervisor, the portion so to be macadamized
shall be deducted from the road under the control of such
supervisor, and shall be under the exclusive control of the
County Commissioners of the respective collection districts of
said county, when a County Commissioner shall be engaged in
superintending the construction of macadamized roads, as