the Friendless, any child, whether male or female, under the
age of eighteen years, of the description of children herein-
before mentioned, or as suffering through the extreme indi-
gence or vagrancy or bad habits or neglect of parents, or from
cruelty of intemperate parents, or as being illegitimate, or chil-
dren of persons out of the State without sufficient sustenance,
the said corporation and the managers thereof shall hold and
control such children, with power to bind or place them out as
hereinbefore provided, subject, however, to the powers herein-
before in this Article conferred on the Supervisors of City
894. Any constable or police officer of said City, upon ap-
plication of any manager of the Home of the Friendless, or of
his own accord, may carry before any Judge of the Orphans'
Court for said City, or any Justice of the Peace, any child of
the description mentioned in the preceding section, to be dealt
with as therein provided.
Protestant Infant Asylum.
895. The Protestant Infant Asylum of Baltimore Gty, a
corporation duly incorporated under the laws of this State,
subject to the powers as hereinbefore in this Article con-
ferred upon the Supervisors of City Charities, is author-
ized and empowered to receive into its custody, care and
control, all such foundlings and orphans and other destitute
infants under the age of four years as shall be committed, by
instrument of writing, under the hand of the party so com-
mitting to its keeping, by the parents, guardians or others hav-
ing the right of disposition, or by any Orphans' Court or Jus-
tice of the Peace of this State (if of the class of children whom
such Court or Justice could lawfully bind out as apprentices,
which commitment to the said Protestant Infant Asylum of
Baltimore City such Orphans' Courts and Justices are hereby
empowered to make), and retain under its care, charge and re-
straint each of such foundlings and infant children so com-
mitted to its keeping until he or she shall have attained the full