Home of the Friendless.
890. The Justices of the Peace for Baltimore City may
commit to or the Supervisors of Charities may place in the care
and charge of the Home of the Friendless, instead of sending to
the almshouse, all children, whether male or female, who are
destitute or suffering for want of support, or who may be found
begging about the streets of the City, or who are children of
891. The Home of the Friendless, and the managers
thereof, subject to the powers hereinbefore in this Article
conferred on the Supervisors of City Charities, may retain
the said children under their care until they shall be eigh-
teen years of age, or for any shorter period, and may bind
them out for a time not to exceed the age of eighteen years
in the case of females, and of twenty-one years in the case
of males, as apprentices to learn any trade or business, or in
the case of females, also to learn to be useful in housewifery, or
may under terms proper, in view of the said managers, and to
be stipulated by them, place them for adoption, or as inmates
with any families or persons; and the said corporation in the
exercise of any of the powers vested in them by this section,
of binding or placing out said minors, shall not be limited to
places within the State.
892. All instruments binding or placing out said children
shall be in writing, signed by the president and at least two
managers of said corporation, and by the persons taking the
children as apprentices or otherwise, and shall be acknowl-
edged by the person signing the same before a Justice of the
Peace for Baltimore City, and within six months from the date
thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of said
893. If any parent or guardian or any Judge of the Or-
phans' Court of Baltimore City, or any Justice of the Peace for
said City shall place under the care and control of the Home of