one week nor more than two months for the first conviction,
and not less than one month nor more than six months for the
second conviction, and not less than six months nor more than
twelve months for the third or any subsequent conviction.
873. The Supervisors of City Charities or the managers of
the House of Refuge or officers of the other places to which
persons may be sent as aforesaid, shall respectively have the
right to make all proper rules and regulations for the purpose
of carrying out the aforesaid provisions.
874. Whenever any minor shall be brought before the
Judge or Justice as aforesaid, the parents or guardians of such
minor, if they be resident within the City of Baltimore, and
their names and place of residence be made known to such
Judge or Justice, shall be summoned to show cause, if any they
have, why such minor should not be sent to the almshouse or
other suitable place, or be otherwise punished according to law.
875. The said Judge or Justice shall, if a suitable master or
mistress can be found, and he judges it best for the minor, bind
such minor an apprentice to some useful art, trade or occupa-
tion, in the same manner and on the same conditions as appren-
tices may now be bound by the laws of this State.
876. Every unmarried male under twenty-one years of age,
and unmarried female under eighteen years of age, shall be
considered minors within the meaning of the preceding section.
877. The Orphans' Court of Baltimore City shall have con-
current jurisdiction over all cases of minors under the pre-
ceding sections of this sub-division of this Article, and exercise
all the powers in relation to them which are hereinbefore
granted to the Criminal Court and to Justices of the Peace of
said City.
878. The Criminal Court of Baltimore shall try all cases
which may be brought before it in relation to vagrants and
beggars, in the same manner and at the same time as cases for