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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 567   View pdf image (33K)
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require the person requesting it to forthwith appear before said
Justice and prefer a charge, under oath, against the person so

868. The said Court or said Justice, when proof that any
person is a pauper, an habitual beggar or a vagabond, as afore-
said, shall, in the discretion of the said Court or Justice, com-
mit said pauper, habitual beggar or vagabond to the Almshouse
for said City, or to such other suitable place as may be provided
for said purpose by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
or to the Maryland House of Correction for the first offence,
and in a second or subsequent commitment of the same person
for any of the said causes, the said person shall be committed
by the said Court or Justice to the Maryland House of Cor-

869. Whenever any house of refuge, house of correction,
workhouse or other house, building or place shall be provided
by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, to which persons
convicted under this sub-division of this Article may be sent,
the said Court or said Justice may send them to any such house,
building or place, if the Judge of said Court or said Justice con-
sider it to be a more suitable place for the purpose than the

870. The Supervisors of City Charities, or the officers of
places respectively to which persons convicted under the two
preceding sections may be sent, shall keep them during the
lime for which they are to be kept, so that they cannot escape
from said places.

871. The said Supervisors of City Charities or other officers
respectively shall put such of said persons so convicted as are
able to work, to the work which they are best able to do.

872. The time for which any person shall be sent to the
almshouse, the Maryland House of Correction or other place,
as provided by section 868 of this Article, shall not be less than


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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 567   View pdf image (33K)
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